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How Scribly helped Tweedmaker increase organic traffic by 228% and become less reliant on paid ads

Investing in content long-term can help lower your cost of acquisition (COA). Tweedmaker sells custom-made tweed and linen suits for men online. The retail business has historically focused on driving traffic to the site through paid ads but realized that this strategy was getting more and more expensive. They decided to explore other options. The …

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Episode 12 – Evergreen content - set it and forget it

Set it and forget it

Crafting Content, Episode 12 – Evergreen content – set it and forget it Crafting Content Episode 12: Set it and forget it Welcome to another episode of Scribly’s “Crafting Content” podcast! In today’s episode, we discuss evergreen content – what it is, how to create it, and how to keep it updated over time. You …

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A closer look at the latest Google Core Update

A closer look at the latest Google Core Update

Google released a new Core Update on March 5th 2024 that has turned the digital world on its head. Predicted to have as big an impact as the famous panda and penguin updates, this latest Core Update is already taking victims. Some AI-generated websites and content are being completely deindexed and many sites are receiving …

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Categories SEO
What is gated content and does it work

What is gated content and does it work?

We’re all trying to get our content noticed — that’s the whole point of content marketing after all! But that’s easier said than done. We know how hard it can be getting your work in front of people’s eyes these days, but there are some strategies you can use to help. We’ve already spoken about …

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How to win the battle for attention

How to win the battle for attention

Crafting Content, Episode 11 – A content marketing podcast from Scribly Crafting Content Episode 11: How to win the battle for attention Welcome to another episode of Scribly’s “Crafting Content” podcast! In today’s episode, we discuss how to get your content seen by the right people. With so much content out there, so many different …

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The power of visual content

The power of visual content

In today’s digital age, where attention spans are shorter than ever and information overload is rampant, the power of visual content cannot be overstated. From social media platforms to websites and marketing materials, visuals play a pivotal role in capturing audience attention, conveying messages effectively, and driving engagement.  In fact, a study found that visual …

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How to Perform a Competitor Analysis

How to perform a competitor analysis

Let’s face it, getting your content noticed online is becoming harder and harder. The amount of content already available on the internet is staggering and just keeps growing, making it difficult to stand out from the crowd. In fact, a study found that just one UK newspaper was publishing around 1500 articles per day! And …

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Get your content measuring toolbox

Crafting Content, Episode 10 – A content marketing podcast from Scribly Crafting Content Episode 10: Get your content measuring toolbox The tenth episode of Scribly’s “Crafting Content” podcast and the final feature of our ‘content marketing mistakes’ mini-series is here! Today’s topic is about the importance of measuring and analyzing the performance of your content …

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How to repurpose content for maximum impact

How to repurpose content for maximum impact

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, content remains king. The thing is, there’s just so much of it! Everyone and their dog now has a blog and a social media presence and a mailing list and a fleet of carrier pigeons… ok, maybe not that last one. Standing out in the crowd is no …

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