What is B2B content marketing?

Not to get too technical, but essentially B2B content marketing is a strategic approach used by businesses to create and distribute valuable, informative, and relevant content. The aim is to attract, engage, and nurture relationships with other businesses or organizations.  The content created has to address the specific needs and pain points of the target …

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What are the types of B2C content?

That’s the joy of B2C content marketing! There are so many content types you can use to engage and resonate with customers: You could also explore video content, podcasts, ebooks, and more! 

How do I create ecommerce content?

We might be biased, but we’d argue that the best way to create ecommerce content is to work with a specialist agency like Scribly. Of course, you can follow our top tips and try it for yourself too: It’s not an easy task to tackle on your own, but with the right partner by your …

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What are examples of ecommerce content marketing?

Ecommerce content marketing isn’t just about selling the product, it’s about highlighting its key features relative to your customers’ needs. You want to educate them, all while helping them decide if your product is right for them. Here’s how: The list of opportunities is endless. You just need to find the most relevant content for …

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What content is required for an ecommerce website?

We’re glad you asked! For an ecommerce website to thrive, a well-rounded mix of compelling content is essential. Here’s the lowdown: The aim is to create a delightful shopping experience, cultivate brand loyalty, and leave a lasting impression on your customers, so don’t scrimp on copy!

Why is eCommerce content important?

By strategically curating and distributing compelling content, eCommerce businesses create a unique identity, fostering brand loyalty and customer engagement. This content-centric approach ensures that every step of the customer’s journey is enriched with valuable information, making the overall shopping experience enjoyable and rewarding.  Ultimately, eCommerce content empowers businesses to build lasting connections, stand out in …

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What is ecommerce content marketing?

Ecommerce content marketing is all about creating captivating and informative content to engage potential customers throughout their shopping journey. From enticing product descriptions and eye-catching visuals to engaging blog posts and customer reviews, ecommerce content marketing helps build trust, establish brand authority, and encourage conversions.  By understanding the target audience’s needs and interests, businesses can …

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What is B2C content marketing?

B2C content marketing is a strategic approach that caters directly to the needs and preferences of individual consumers. By creating a variety of content (think riveting website copy, engaging social media posts, informative blog articles, and visually appealing infographics), B2C companies can speak to their audience directly via the channels they engage with and the …

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How do I start email marketing?

Define what you want to achieve with your email marketing campaign, gather a list of your leads and customers, and get in touch with Scribly to get started! 

How do I do email marketing?

Work with a content marketing agency like Scribly, of course! But if you want to get started on your own, here’s how we’d do it.  Remember, you want to build meaningful relationships with your customers, enhance brand loyalty, drive sales, and take your business to new heights!