How do I create a content strategy for a website?

If you’re looking to improve the quality of the content on your website, you should start by performing an SEO content audit. Knowing what works well and—more importantly— what doesn’t, is going to be key.  You can then assess which pages need to be improved, what new pages should be added to bridge keyword gaps, …

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How do I refine my content distribution strategy?

As content marketers, we love just how many different content formats are out there. From blog posts and articles to videos and podcasts to emails and social posts, it keeps our jobs interesting and engaging. But we also understand how overwhelming all of these channels can be, particularly if you’re just starting out. Luckily, we can …

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Do I need a content strategy?

Yes, the answer is always yes. Creating random pieces of content without a clear objective or wider marketing goals isn’t going to help build up your brand. Every piece of content created and shared should be carefully crafted and strategically chosen to drive your business goals forward.

What does a content strategy do?

You’ll have to forgive the cheesy metaphor, but a content marketing strategy is like a compass guiding your brand through the vast digital landscape. It outlines what types of content you create, what channels you share those content assets on, and when each piece of content should go live. It’s a diary of what, where, …

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What is content strategy?

In short, a content marketing strategy is a powerful tool that allows businesses to connect with their audience in a meaningful way.  Picture it as a well-crafted story that unfolds across various platforms — like on a website, blog, social media, or email— and is tailored to your audience’s interests and needs. These stories should …

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