Does poor content affect SEO rankings?

In short – yes. If you have one brilliantly SEO-friendly piece of content but all of your other blogs are short, uninformative, and poorly optimized, then that great piece of content won’t rank. Instead, the poor content will drag it down. If you want to increase your SEO rankings, you need to increase the quality …

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Why is having duplicate content an issue for SEO?

When we build an SEO content marketing strategy, we always start by mapping specific and unique sets of keywords to each page and blog on your site. If you have two pages targeting the same keyword, they risk conflicting with each other. Let’s put it like this: if you have two blogs that essentially cover …

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How do you optimize content for SEO?

You turn to an SEO content agency like Scribly, of course! All jokes aside, content optimization is key to a good SEO content strategy. You need to map out which keywords you’re targeting (then use those keywords naturally throughout), have a clear, easy-to-follow, and user-friendly structure, and incorporate both internal and external links. The quality …

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What is content optimization in SEO?

When we build out your SEO content plan, we may recommend improving your existing content before starting to publish new copy. This process is called content optimization. It’s where we go back over existing content, adding relevant keywords, enhancing the copy, answering key queries, and updating any outdated sections. This ensures that you’re aggressively targeting …

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How does content marketing help SEO?

There are three pillars to SEO: technical SEO, Digital PR, and Content Marketing. Content is the copy that allows you to target keywords while providing relevant information to your audience. This helps Google understand what your website is for and what needs your business responds to, as well as building your authority so that you’re …

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