‍How to format an eBook

We’ll be honest, we’re not experts when it comes to the design side of eBooks – but we do have design friends that can help. If you asked us what makes a compelling eBook from a content formatting perspective, though, we’d say: 

‍How to market an eBook

So you’ve done the hard part of writing your eBook, now it’s time to market it so it reaches your target audience and you can get the most value out of it. Step 1: Create a landing page If you don’t have one, create a dedicated landing page on your website to promote your eBook. …

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‍How long should an eBook be?

As long as you want! It really does depend on the topic and purpose. As a general rule, we’d recommend a minimum of 2,500 words, though a comprehensive guide could be as many as 25,000.

‍How to write an eBook

Use Scribly – just kidding (sort of!).  We totally understand that writing an eBook can seem like a daunting task, but it’s not as difficult as it might seem. You just need an interesting and relevant topic to talk about, and an expert opinion to offer. We can help with creating an outline for your …

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What is an eBook?

In a business context, an eBook isn’t an online version of a book. Instead, it’s a digital publication that is created by a company to provide information on a particular topic. Usually, it acts as an education piece, providing a target audience with valuable insights.  In the past, we’ve written eBooks that act as indepth …

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