How long should a product description be?

Around 300-500 words is a common response, but we’d say there’s no right or wrong answer here. They should be snappy, concise, and easily digestible, and provide all the necessary information for a customer to make an informed purchase decision. It also depends on your brand style and tone of voice. If you opt for …

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How to write product descriptions for SEO

Optimizing a product description for SEO is the best way to ensure the right customers find your products. Your chosen keywords and phrases should be specific enough to be competitive and rank, but not so broad that no one naturally searches for them. So, make sure you do keyword research before you start (tools like …

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How to write a product description

A good product description does a lot in just a few words. Short and snappy, it should highlight the key features of the product (Think: What makes it unique? Innovative? Superior to the competition?) and focus on its core benefits (What problem does it solve? What needs does it fulfill?). Make sure you use descriptive …

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What is a product description?

The short answer is that a product description is exactly that – a description of the product, including its key features, benefits, and specifications. Beyond that, though, it is a guide for your potential customer to better understand your product, gauge whether it answers their needs, and decide to purchase it or not. A product …

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