Can I copy content from other websites?

Nope, nope, and triple-nope (or, at least not as a general rule). Copying content from another website exactly is not only plagiarism but will be flagged by Google’s crawlers as duplicate content, harming the SEO value of your website. If you really do want to copy content from another website (say a blog or article), …

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How often should you update your website content?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no golden rule as to how often your website content should be updated. The answer is actually a lot simpler: as often as it needs to be. If you’ve used statistics on your website, it’s worth updating those yearly to ensure you’re providing users with the most up-to-date information …

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What should you consider when developing your website content?

When developing your website content, you should consider a few key things: Of course, the easiest way to develop website content is with a content marketing agency that can help both with strategy development and content production. That way, you’ll have experts (like Scribly!) helping you reach your goals.

How to do a website content audit

Performing a website content audit can be a long and time-consuming process. We would recommend working with an expert at this phase, but if you want to get started on your own, here are some top tips: 

What is website content?

In short, website content is any type of content that sits on your website. This includes written content (like landing pages, services pages, category pages, product pages, FAQ pages, About Us pages, blogs, etc) but also visual content, like visual assets, product images, product demos and videos, and more. Website content serves to inform the …

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How to write content for a website

When writing content for a website, you should:  If we’re being honest, though, unless you have an in-house content writer, you’re better off working with a content agency that has specialist website copywriters. They’ll convey your key message in an engaging and beautifully crafted way that will really resonate with your audience.